Does Attending a Better High School Decrease Teens Marijuana Use?

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Does Attending a Better High School Decrease Teens Marijuana Use?

teens and marijuana

A UCLA study has shown that students from lower-income neighborhoods who attended one of five high-performing high schools, In LA were less likely to abuse marijuana than those who weren’t offered admission, UCLA researchers found.

Top performing school did a random lottery to help equalize the overall demographics of the schools.

Students were also asked to take a survey, asking whether or not they used marijuana in the past or present. Students who were offered admission where the students who were less likely to misuse marijuana, they also had fewer peers who abused drugs and spent more time studying and were less likely to skip school. After selected students gain entrances into these schools, data showed that by 11th grade boys who attended were 50% less likely to abuse marijuana vs those who were not admitted.

“We concluded that schools play an important role in influencing adolescent behavior,” said the study’s first author, Dr. Rebecca Dudovitz, an assistant professor at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA and pediatrician at UCLA Mattel Children’s Hospital. “Investing in schools offers a tool for improving teen health.”

I do think that your environment and schooling does play a factor, but what if you’re not one of those lucky students, who got chosen are you just doomed? I don’t think so people have always struggled and found a way out. Instead of selecting certain students maybe we should fix up the school in inner cities.

Do you think that going to a better school can reduce drug use or consumption rates?


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